WHOA! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BLOG! Some of you might be thinking. Then again other people might never have been before and have no idea what im talking about. So to let you all know what im going on about I finally decided to download a template and change the style of my blog. Ever since I created my blog back in the day I had been using the same old boring, some would say ugly, style and coloring. With this new template I have taken some positive steps on the way to coolness.
The semester have been going way to fast for my liking. I have been tied down with alot of assessment. I finally decided to read over the requirements for the blog other then the basic one post a week etc etc. I realised that my blog needed alot of work if I wanted to get good marks. Considering my results from the last assignment I did for Network Media Production I realised I needed to get some good marks. I do not want to just get pass' and finish my degree Im at least aiming to get credits if not better. Getting a pass in the first assignment was not a good step in this direction.
So now that I have changed the layout and had a look at the unit outline I can blog about any thing I want. Ive also decided that in the next couple of weeks im going to go on a blog overhaul. Pretty much meaning I am going over all previous posts and adding some information, labeling them, linking to relevant stuff etc. If I am going to choose three good blog posts to be marked I really need to update.
So in keeping with the theme of assignments I have started to think about the second Network task. Ive been thinking that I will be making a story in google maps. However I have yet to decide if I will be making up something fictional or telling some kind of life story or tour. I think I will need to make some more decisions within the next couple of days on how I will approach this.
Finally I need to make mention of the Japanese oral that I have tommorow. Learning another language is hard especially when doing all the other assignments at the same time. Sometimes I just wish I could comprehend all languages. Then I would never have to worry about Japanese ever again. Oh well when I finally learn how to speak it I will be having a fun time traveling Japan.
Until next time
Final Blog for the Semester
14 years ago
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