Ohayoo Gozaimas
Or at least thats what I'd say to any of you out there who speak Japanese. Thursdays is really my long day of uni. Wake up at 7 30 to get ready. Drive from yass to Canberra start at 9 30 and finish at 5. Only to come home as quick as I can to go to work. I decided to skip my lecture this afternoon so i could have a little down time before work, but i find myself sitting here writing my blog anyways.
After spending the last week trying to figure out my assignment I have finally started to make some progress towards it looking half good. Not as much time has been put into it as i would of liked but what can you do when nearly every class I attend has an assignment due in week 7 (in some cases 2). We looked at each others blogs today in class and I have decided that in the weeks break of week 8 I am going to try and stylize my blog better. At the moment its just so simple and honestly rubbish looking. It needs a change from the bland colours and simple format. That being said I can only do as much as my technical skills allow. The good thing is that after next week I will have had 5 assessment items out of the way. During the second half of this semester I will be able to start paying more attention to things such as my blog. As with many assignments I have done I always find myself wishing i had just one more week to make it better. So for the next week I will be sleeping, going to uni, going to work and in all my spare time inbetween I will be working on all my various assignments. Hopefully I can get them all done and of good quality before the dreaded deadline.
Final Blog for the Semester
14 years ago