So now that I have arranged my blog a bit better I figure its time to get down to business.
Some of you may be thinking to yourself, why did you choose blogger? Well it's a good question and I put alot of thought into making my final decision on which site I was going to use to write my blogs. Firstly there was all the information that Michael Honey gave us in the lectures. He named four potential blog sites that we could look at mentioning Wordpress to be a bit more customizable but trickier to use, down to tumblr which is easy to use but give you much less choice. Considering the fact that I'm a first time blogger I did not think that I would venture into trying any thing too difficult. I read over the unit outline a fair bit and Typepad was seeming like the best choice. This was until I turned up for my first tutorial for the unit. There was alot of discussion within my tutorial group as to which site was best for hosting our blogs. There seemed to be a fairly even spread over the four sites that were mentioned in the lecture. People had chosen tumblr for its simplicity while others had gone for Wordpress because the other three did not have as many options as they would like. My tutor Sharon had signed up for three of the sites just to give us a look in on how they operated. At this stage my mind was made up on using typepad until another member of the class talked about how she personally felt that Typepad did not get as much traffic as the other sites on the list and was less search engine friendly. This gave me even more things to think about. In the end, as you would have noticed already, I signed up for blogspot. Mainly because its simple to use, has a moderate range of customization and is a fairly popular blogging site.
All that being said I am still trying to get a good design happening on my page. If any of you blog readers out there see something you think looks absolutely appalling please leave me a comment and telling me why and I may change it. I do not usually have a knack for these kinds of things and any feedback would be greatly appreciated in helping me make a blog that will hopefully stand up to all the assessment criteria.
Oh and add me to your blog roll. I know you want to =)
Final Blog for the Semester
14 years ago
thanks mate :)